Oreo Truffles

If you’re a fan of baking, you’ve probably seen these all over the internet.  There are SO many versions of these that you can do, but they all come back to one basic recipe that you can toy around with to suit your mood.  Mine is based off of this one, with just one small change 🙂


36 Oreo cookies (any flavor!)
1 8-oz. package of cream cheese, softened
Candy melts (any color/flavor) or almond bark, melted
Sprinkles, crushed Oreos, crushed peppermint, or whatever else you’d like to decorate your truffles with (optional)


Crush the Oreos until fine in your food processor.  Pour them into a bowl, then add your softened cream cheese and mix until well combined.  I found that using your hands is the easiest way to do this.  Roll the mixture into 1-inch balls – a 1 T cookie scoop is perfect for this.  Place them on a cookie sheet covered in parchment or wax paper, then pop them in the freezer.  This will help the chocolate to set more quickly and will make your life easier.

Melt your candy melts/almond bark until smooth, then bring your truffles out of the freezer and coat them.  Sprinkle any decorations you’d like on them.  Now, put them in the refrigerator until firm (it won’t take long), then enjoy!  Also, be sure to store these in the fridge as you don’t want the cream cheese to spoil.

FYI, these are amazing with peppermint/mint Oreos and crushed candy canes on top. 🙂

oreo truffles